Втома – постійний супутник вашого життя?

Everyone has moments in life when everything literally falls apart. There is not enough strength to get out of bed, and the emotional state is so bad that you do not want to do anything at all. Fatigue after a hard day at work or training, as well as in acute and chronic diseases is a signal for rest and treatment.

People with chronic fatigue syndrome: who are they?

After rest and successful treatment of the disease, the manifestations of fatigue gradually disappear or decrease, and the feeling of vigor returns.

But if fatigue becomes a constant companion of your life, and you cannot explain the reason for this condition, then most likely you have increased fatigue syndrome or psycho-emotional burnout syndrome

Chronic fatigue syndrome is difficult to diagnose.

People with chronic fatigue syndrome often face misunderstanding, since this condition is difficult to diagnose. Those who have not encountered this problem may consider patients malingerers or lazy.

Interesting fact: when examining patients with chronic fatigue syndrome, no changes were found in the blood test and other studies. But herpes and Epstein-Barr viruses are often detected. But there is no specific treatment for chronic fatigue syndrome.

The question arises: how healthy is such a person? It turns out that health can also be different, and it is determined by the state of the body's adaptation to negative effects of various kinds. There are people with high resistance to infections, temperature changes, stress and other factors. They easily tolerate diseases, while others get sick more seriously and cannot restore their ability to work for a longer time.

What to do?

First: get examined to exclude the presence of a specific disease.

Second: assess your condition. The manifestations of chronic fatigue syndrome can be different and are not always clearly traced, but several main ones are distinguished:

  • a constant feeling of fatigue that does not disappear after rest for weeks and months;
  • weakness, pain in muscles, joints;
  • headache, memory loss, absent-mindedness, bad mood;
  • insomnia at night and drowsiness during the day; sometimes fever, enlarged lymph nodes.

What does the strength of our health depend on?

The answer to this question is obvious. Look at the plants you grow or at your pets. Their growth, development and health depend on how you feed the animal, water and feed the plant.

A person is no exception to this rule. We are what we eat and our health depends on the quality of our food. Unfortunately, the potential of toxic substances in modern food products often prevails over the content of useful components and turns them into a factor of mass destruction. I just want to put a label on them: "caution - health hazard".

Simple rules for overcoming chronic fatigue syndrome and psycho-emotional burnout syndrome from Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Galina Anatolyevna Anokhina:

1. Set up a work, rest, sleep, and meal schedule.

2.  Avoid processed industrial foods as much as possible, reduce the consumption of simple carbohydrates, sweets, sugary drinks, and juices. Increase the consumption of complete proteins: eggs, meat, fish, as well as vegetables, fresh fruits, and natural unrefined fats.

3.  Change a job you don’t like.

4.  Try to move. Physical inactivity is very harmful; during walking, dancing, swimming, and even simple daily short-term physical exercise, endorphins are synthesized in the muscles - substances that improve mood.

5.  Remember, a healthy mind resides in a healthy body; for the full functioning of all organs and systems, the body must receive more than 600 components daily with food. Be sure to eliminate the deficiency of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients by taking multinutrient complexes, but preferably of natural origin.
Обов’язково ліквідуйте дефіцит вітамінів, мінералів та інших харчових речовин вживаючи мультинутрієнтні комплекси, але бажано натурального походження.

These complexes include Relive Balance® - a multinutrient functional peptide complex of essential amino acids, peptides, vitamins, minerals, adaptogens, antioxidants, polyphenols obtained by fermentation and extraction (at a temperature of up to 40 degrees) contains 54 natural products of plant and animal origin. All components of Relive Balance® are in natural relationships, act synergistically, without harming the body.



Figure-Freedom to live