Beginning of development of the first nutritional complexes on the basis of institutions for the rehabilitation of cancer patients in Ukraine and Bulgaria.
Beginning of clinical trials on the basis of leading medical research organizations of Ukraine
Introduction of own original technology of processing of raw materials that preserves bioavailability and natural properties of nutrients.
Opening of proprietary manufacturing site in Ukraine. Start of operation of proprietary advanced manufacturing site near Kyiv which allowed to enhance quality control and to provide even more delicate conditions for processing of raw materials.
The first patent "Method of treatment of metabolic syndrome". Official recognition of the effectiveness of restoring metabolism.
НАССР/ ISO 22000:2007 product quality and safety system has been implemented. Certification and international manufacturing standards paved the way for exports.
Conducting in vivo laboratory tests for " Grin R" products on the basis of the "Institute of Biology and Medicine" of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. In total, more than 30 experimental studies were conducted.
Relive Balance® becomes the Official Nutrition Partner of the Ukrainian Antarctic Akademik Vernadsky Station. Relive Balance nutrient complex is® used to recover polar explorers after a long expedition.
Relive Balance® becomes a nutritional partner of the Odesa Racing Yacht Club.