
cardio – nutrients for active longevity


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cardio complex of natural compounds - non-synthesized peptides, chelated form of vitamins and trace elements, including Pyridoxal-5-phosphate (coenzyme B6) - 10 mg, complex protein-peptide complex (containing reduced glutathione (GSH) - 29.4 mg) - 700 mg, magnesium citrate - 400 mg, low molecular weight fragments of nuclear RNA and DNA, amino acids; lipids with a high content of PUFA, including classes of omega - 3, and - 6; bioflavonoids, polyphenols, as well as glutathione, hesperidin, quercetin, silymarin, silibinin and other biologically active components, which in order to prevent cardiovascular disease replenish all human organs with the necessary amount of nutrients.

Relive Balance® cardio
It has a multifunctional normalizing effect on organs and systems of the body.

  • Physical and mental strain, including in athletes, reduced working ability;
  • Asthenic syndrome, vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • Increased risk of hypertension disease;
  • Atherosclerosis and its complications in combination with drug therapy;
  • Cardiomyopathy.

cardio multinutrient functional-peptide complex is based on the concept of a balanced diet, the theory of functional systems and ideas about the assimilation of biologically active components of food in the most digestible form.

Nutritional value:

Original technology

of processing of environmentally friendly raw materials of marine and terrestrial origin provides all the nutrients Relive Balance® CARDIO in bio-available - colloidal and water-soluble forms.

Relive Balance complexes

are proven and appreciated by the professionals. They help to restore strength and return the natural energy of a healthy metabolism to leading athletes, travelers, representatives of various professions


The uniqueness cardio

  • Convenience of receiving all necessary compounds in one complex.
  • Record-breaking (to date) number of components that provide the body with more than 600 essential compounds.
  • Formulation proven by studies has an effective influence and absence of mutual exclusion of active ingredients.
  • Microdosing of bio-available compounds.


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Relive Balance складається з 2х окремих комплексів які посилюють один одного. Це натуральні харчові нутрієнти в сухому («Релайв Баланс Про») і рідкому («Релайв Баланс Мікс») стані.

Релайв Баланс Про

Relive Balance Pro – peptide-amino acid-vitamin and mineral complex containing quail egg powder, extracts of lentil sprouts, spirulina, artichoke, Jerusalem artichoke, milk thistle seeds, lactulose, vitamin С, lecithin.

Product form: капсули у контейнері по 80 шт.

Mechanisms of influence on human body:

Релайв Баланс Про є комбінованим регуляторним амінокислотно-пептидним комплексом, поєднаним із рослинними біофлавоноїдами, поліфенолами та іншими біологічно активними речовинами і хелатними вітамінно-мінеральними комплексами, дія яких зумовлена синергічними ефектами компонентів, що входять до його складу.

Завдяки комбінації природних високомолекулярних органічних компонентів, позбавлених видових властивостей у вигляді регуляторних пептидів, включаючи глутатіон, нуклеїнові кислоти,  низькомолекулярні фрагменти ядерних РНК та ДНК,   амінокислоти, біофлавоноїди, поліфеноли, гесперидин, кверцитин, силімарін, силібінін та інші, хелатні форми вітаміну С та мікроелементів, здійснює поліфункціональний нормалізуючий вплив на органи та системи організму людини:


Релайв Баланс Про є комбінованим регуляторним амінокислотно-пептидним комплексом, поєднаним із рослинними біофлавоноїдами, поліфенолами та іншими біологічно активними речовинами і хелатними вітамінно-мінеральними комплексами, дія яких зумовлена синергічними ефектами компонентів, що входять до його складу.

Due to the combination of natural high molecular weight organic components, devoid of species properties in the form of regulatory peptides, including glutathione, nucleic acids, low molecular weight fragments of nuclear RNA and DNA, amino acids, bioflavonoids, polyphenols, hesperidin, quercetin, silymarin, silibinin and etc., chelated forms of vitamin С and micronutrients, it has a multifunctional normalizing effect on organs and systems of the human body:

  • Promotes the repair of damaged cells and cellular organelles, including DNA and RNA
  • Inhibits dystrophic changes and accelerated aging of organs and tissues
  • Increases antioxidant protection against products of free radical oxidation due to the presence of glutathione, which is the most powerful antioxidant in cells, and its combination with chelated forms of vitamin C and bioflavonoids reduces oxidative stress
  • Improves energy metabolism
  • Promotes normalization of protein, carbohydrate and lipid metabolism and liver protection due to the active components of milk thistle extract - silymarin, silibinin
  • Positively affects the functioning of the central and peripheral nervous system
  • Promotes more efficient functioning of the immune system and endocrine organs
  • Increases working ability.

Amino acids and peptide complexes, chelated forms of vitamins and micronutrients in the composition of Relive Balance Pro, in small doses have high regulatory effects, due to the natural synergistic effect and high affinity between the regulatory systems of humans, flora and fauna, which are created by long-term evolution.

Indications for use:

  • Replenishment of the human diet with a complex of essential amino acids and peptides with herbal components in their natural form without heat treatment with preserved regulatory effects on the human body;
  • Improvement of adaptive systems of the body in case of the syndrome of psycho-emotional burnout and chronic fatigue;
  • Prevention of premature aging and deterioration of organs and tissues;
  • Improvement of working ability, psycho-emotional state in case of various chronic diseases of the liver, cardiovascular, endocrine, nervous systems;
  • Increasing antioxidant, immune protection, prevention of carcinogenesis in people of any age.
  • Improvement of the nutritional supply of patients with anorexia, obesity when prescribing low-calorie diets for weight loss, tuberculosis, sepsis and other long-term debilitating diseases, after surgery.

Relive Balance Mix

Релайв Баланс Мікс – ліпідно-вітаміно-мінеральний комплекс, який містить екстракти багатьох лікарських рослин, таких як чебрець, глід, любисток, хвощ польовий, кропива, подорожник, пустирник, собача кропива, алое, календула, часник, елеутерокок, насіння льону, евкаліпт, лопух, шишки хмелю, кора крушини), омега комплекс жирів морських риб, порошок з перепелиних яєць, спіруліни, олії: лляна, обліпихова, розторопші, зародків пшениці, волоського горіха, винограду, гарбузова, кедрова, паростки сочевиці, мідійний комплекс, вітамін С, сироп стевії, кумис, екстракт виноградних кісточок, кукумарії, ламінарії, сироп вишні, нікотинову кислоту, вітаміни В1, В2, В6, В12, D3, К3, фолієву кислоту, янтарну кислоту, дистильовану воду.

Product form: Масляниста суспензія темно-зеленого забарвлення.

Mechanisms of influence on human body:

Natural combination of herbal extracts with peptide-amino acid complexes of animal origin, with a high content of essential polyunsaturated fatty acids, including omega polyunsaturated fatty acids, B vitamins, succinic acid, in addition to restorative effects on the structural and functional state of body tissues, it has a positive effect on all metabolism and energy processes, endocrine organs and human reproductive function.

Antioxidant properties of bioflavonoids, polyphenols, carotenoids and other components of Relive Balance Mix are associated with blocking the catalytic action of heavy metals by creating and removing stable complexes, maintaining the structure, elasticity of blood vessels, preventing their sclerotic lesion, evident cytoprotective action, including hepatoprotective, anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic action. Relive Balance Mix has anti-edematous, mild hypoazotemic, choleretic effect as well.

Herbal flavonoids have a wide range of effects: antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antitoxic, cardiovascular, anti-sclerotic, antihypertensive, antimicrobial, antispasmodic, hypoglycemic, psychotropic, antiallergic, estrogenic, radioprotective, choleretic, diuretic, hypoazotemic, gastroprotective, hepatoprotective and reparative actions

Herbal adaptogens increase the body's overall nonspecific resistance to the harmful effects of factors of physical, chemical and biological nature. Due to this, the body better adapts to changes in environmental conditions. They increase mental and physical ability, participate in the Krebs cycle; restore gluconeogenesis. They reduce biochemical disorders in cases of stress reactions, normalize the functions of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal and immune systems. They activate the synthesis of RNA and proteins resulting in enhanced regenerative processes at the cellular level.

Natural compounds, chelated forms of vitamins and micronutrients, a combination of large number of flavonoids and essential phospholipids in the composition of Relive Balance Mix significantly exceed the effects of synthesized vitamins due to the natural synergistic effect and high affinity between the regulatory systems of humans, flora and fauna, which are created by long-term evolution.

Indications for use:

  • Replenishment of the human diet with a complex of essential herbal components in combination with chelated forms of vitamins and minerals and essential fatty acids in their natural form
  • Prevention of premature aging due to the high antioxidant potential of components of the complex
  • Improvement of the adaptive systems of the body in patients with psycho-emotional exhaustion, asthenic and depressive states
  • Athletes during heavy workouts
  • Increasing antioxidant, immune protection, detoxification systems under the influence of negative environmental, toxic and biological factors.
  • Prevention and reduction of progression of chronic human diseases.

Relive Balance is a safe and non-toxic complex, so it can be taken for a long period of time as a restorative and prophylactic product, as well as a flexible ground for basic therapy in case of various diseases.


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Relive Balance Cardio Complex consists of:

"Relive Balance Cardio Mix" and "Relive Balance Cardio Pro."

Daily portion: 1 bottle of "Relive Balance Cardio Mix" (5 ml) and 1 bottle of "Relive Balance Cardio Pro" (4 capsules).

Relive Balance Cardio Mix

Form: 1 bottle contains 5 ml of a vitamin-mineral-lipid concentrate that needs to be mixed with water.

Preparation: Unscrew the bottle cap, add 15-20 ml of drinking water or juice, screw the cap back on, and shake. The solution is ready for consumption.

Usage: Take the contents of the bottle during or after meals.

Daily portion: 1 bottle (5 ml).

Composition per 100 ml: water-alcohol extracts (thyme, hawthorn, lovage, field horsetail, nettle, plantain, motherwort, aloe, calendula, garlic, eleutherococcus, flax seeds, eucalyptus, burdock, hop cones, buckthorn bark) – 18.0 ml, omega complex of marine fish fats (fish oil) – 6.0 ml, quail egg powder – 5.2 g, spirulina – 3.7 g, flaxseed oil – 3.0 ml, sea buckthorn oil – 3.0 ml, milk thistle oil – 3.0 ml, wheat germ oil – 3.0 ml, walnut oil – 3.0 ml, grape seed oil – 3.0 ml, pumpkin oil – 1.7 ml, lentil sprouts – 0.74 g, cedar oil – 0.3 ml, mussel complex – 0.25 ml, vitamin C – 0.25 g, stevia syrup – 0.14 ml, extract of active substances from koumiss (mare’s milk) – 0.1 g, grape seed extract – 0.1 ml, dry powder of cucumber fish – 0.1 g, laminaria – 0.1 g, cherry syrup – 0.06 ml, nicotinic acid – 0.015 mg, vitamins: (B1 – 4.0 mg, B2 – 4.0 mg, B6 – 5.0 mg, B12 – 30.0 mcg, D3 – 25.0 mcg, K3 – 500.0 mcg, folic acid – 2000.0 mcg, succinic acid – 0.2 g, distilled water up to 100 ml.

Relive Balance Cardio Pro

Form: 1 bottle contains 2 capsules of 650 mg and 2 capsules of 400 mg.

Usage: Take the capsules during or after meals with plenty of water.

Daily portion: 4 capsules.

Composition: 1 capsule weighing 650 mg contains: complex animal-derived protein-peptide complex – 213.5 mg, magnesium citrate – 200 mg, quail egg powder – 105 mg, lentil sprouts – 9.1 mg, spirulina – 7.0 mg, lactulose – 5.6 mg, vitamin B6 coenzyme (pyridoxal-5-phosphate) – 5 mg, ascorbic acid – 4.2 mg, lecithin – 2.8 mg, artichoke powder – 1.4 mg, Jerusalem artichoke powder – 0.7 mg, milk thistle seeds – 0.7 mg, excipients – 95.0 mg.

Composition: 1 capsule of 400 mg contains: complex animal-derived protein-peptide complex – 244 mg, quail egg powder – 120 mg, lentil powder – 10.4 mg, spirulina powder – 8.0 mg, lactulose – 6.4 mg, ascorbic acid – 4.8 mg, lecithin – 3.2 mg, artichoke powder – 1.6 mg, Jerusalem artichoke powder – 0.8 mg, milk thistle seed powder – 0.8 mg.

Recommendations for the use of the complex: May be recommended by a physician as part of a dietary regimen as an additional source of proteins, minerals, vitamins (including magnesium and vitamins B1, B12, B6) to create optimal nutritional conditions for human body functioning. Due to the complex action of its components, it helps to improve the cardiovascular system's performance.

Recommended consumption period for the complex: the daily dose and duration of use may be adjusted by a doctor depending on age and individual needs of the body.

Cautions for use: individual sensitivity to specific components of the product.

Not to be used as a substitute for a complete diet.

Do not exceed the recommended amount (portion) for daily consumption.

Do not use after the expiration date.

Storage conditions: Store in the original packaging at temperatures from 4°C to 25°C in a dry, light-protected place out of reach of children.

Manufactured according to TU U 15.8-33740854–002:2009.

Not a medicinal product.

Manufacturer: LLC "WORLD GREENIZATION SYSTEM", 02002, Kyiv, Y. Sverstyuk St., 11/605. Production facilities address: 08044, Kyiv Region, Bucha District, Fasova Village, Shkolna St., 4.



Magnesium citrate

Magnesium in the form of citrate is one of the most important macronutrients.

Mechanism of action:   it is involved in more than 300 biochemical reactions, including energy production in body cells, ensuring normal function of cell membranes, restoration of bones, joints, skin, muscle function, metabolism of calcium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, vitamins B1, B6 and C, it is involved in the metabolism of all neurotransmitters in the nervous system.

Recommendations:it helps to combat stress, reduces depression, seizures, reduces the number and severity of angina attacks, it has a vasodilating effect, reduces the probability of myocardial infarction.

Coenzyme of vitamin B6 (pyridoxal-5-phosphate)

Coenzyme of vitamin B6 (pyridoxal-5-phosphate) is required for proper absorption of B12 and magnesium. It is an important coenzyme in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins and essential fatty acids. It is necessary for normal functioning of the CNS and peripheral nervous system. It is a coenzyme of metabolism of most amino acids, including neurotransmitters of the nervous system: synthesis of GABA, serotonin, melatonin, histamine metabolism.

Mechanism of action:   it has neuro -, hepato - and cardioprotective action, it has anti-ischemic action, reduces the level of homocysteine in the blood, enhances the effect of magnesium.

Recommendations:it strengthens the nervous, cardiovascular and immune systems, strengthens the immune system, increases antibody production, it has a lipotropic effect.

Omega complex

Omega complex of sea fish fats provides the body with the necessary amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Nutrients:  oleic, linoleic, eicosapentaenoic (EPA), docosahexaenoic (DHA), arachidonic and other acids.

Mechanism of action:it has a moderate cardiotonic, antispasmodic and antihypertensive effect, including cardiovascular disease.

Recommendations:  providing the body with the necessary dose of polyunsaturated fatty acids, improvement of joints, heart and brain, strengthening the immune system, increasing the elasticity of cells and capillaries, normalizing metabolism, complex therapy of impaired lipid metabolism, including diet, statins and antiplatelet agents.

Protein-peptide complex

Protein-peptide complex contains proteins of animal origin, quail egg powder and natural koumiss.

The biological value of protein depends on the presence and balance of essential amino acids in its composition. The total amount of essential amino acids in the complex is higher than in the ideal protein (according to the FAO/WHO scale). Non-essential amino acids that act as precursors during the synthesis of proteins and other biologically active compounds make up 57-60% of the protein. This amino acid composition has a high biological value of the product, allows to quickly compensate for the deficiency of amino acids.

Mechanism of action:it promotes growth and recovery of body cells, regulates the synthesis of hormones and hormone-like substances, maintains a constant environment of cerebrospinal fluid plasma and intestinal secretions, it is responsible for the formation of connective tissue: collagen, elastin and keratin, it exercises transport function throughout the body, forms the body's defenses: physical (proteins that support blood clotting), chemical (protein molecules bind toxins), immune (antibodies neutralize viruses and bacteria).


Sour milk product based on mare's milk has long been considered a healing drink in Asia.

Nutrients:vitamins C, B, A, D, PP, E, source of natural calcium, magnesium, phosphorus

Mechanism of action:  it eliminates vitamin C deficiency, it has an antioxidant effect, activates the immune system and vital forces of the body.

Recommendations:  restoration of metabolism, immunity, vitality.

8 natural Extra Virgin oils

Manufactured under of the first cold pressed technology. They do not undergo heat or chemical treatment, so they retain the primary structure, vitamins and phytolipids in an active bioavailable form.

Sea buckthorn oil

Nutrients:  vitamins C and E, alpha- and beta-carotene or provitamins A, flavonoids, omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids, fruit acids and micronutrients: zinc, iron, calcium, selenium, copper.

Mechanism of action:  it has antioxidant properties, slows down cell aging, fights free radicals, accelerates wound healing, helps the body to fight infections, it has a positive effect on blood circulation and heart function.

Recommendations:  support of the cardiovascular system, strengthening of the body's protective functions, favorable for insulin secretion.

Flax oil

Nutrients:  omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid, lignans, simple proteins globulins and glutelins, micronutrients: calcium, magnesium, phosphorus.

Mechanism of action:  it is an antioxidant, reduces the activity of free radicals, antihypertensive properties, moisturizes and smoothes the skin, reduces the symptoms of dryness and redness.

Recommendations:  improvement of stomach function, improvement of skin condition with irritation and dryness, beneficial for the heart, blood vessels and normal blood pressure.

Milk thistle oil

Nutrients:  antioxidant silymarin, alpha-tocopherol or vitamin E, polyunsaturated omega-6 linoleic acid and omega-9 monounsaturated oleic acid.

Mechanism of action:  it has antioxidant properties, it has a beneficial effect on the liver, gallbladder and high blood sugar.

Recommendations:  beneficial for maintaining liver, heart, vascular health and stable insulin production.

Wheat germs oil

Nutrients:  alpha-tocopherol or vitamin E, carotenoids, simple proteins, albumin, omega-6 and omega-9 essential fatty acids, micronutrients: potassium, magnesium, calcium and zinc.

Mechanism of action:  it has antioxidant effect, fights free radicals, it has a positive effect on cell membranes, heart and blood vessels, helps the body with oxidative stress and high blood cholesterol.

Recommendations:  support of the cardiovascular system and general physical health of the body, improvement of hair and nails.

Walnut oil

Nutrients:  omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamin B1, B2, B3 and E, selenium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, iron and calcium.

Mechanism of action:  it has antioxidant effect, maintains the health of blood vessels and cell membranes, reduces the activity of free radicals, improves hormonal balance and skin condition, slows down the aging process.

Recommendations:  improvement of skin texture, maintaining vascular and arterial health, restoration of the body's protective functions.

Grape seed oil

Nutrients:  omega-6 and omega-9 essential fatty acids, vitamin E or alpha-tocopherol, flavonoids and carotenoids.

Mechanism of action:  it is an antioxidant, supports the immune system, protects cells from free radical damage, promotes healthy heart and blood vessels.

Recommendations:  restoration of vitality and physical health of the body, elimination of inflammatory processes and unpleasant conditions after heart disease.

Pumpkin seed oil

Nutrients:  alpha-tocopherol or vitamin E, beta-carotene or provitamin A, omega-6 and omega-9 essential fatty acids, micronutrients: calcium, zinc, iron and magnesium.

Mechanism of action:  it has antioxidant properties, strengthens the immune system and blood vessels, fights free radicals, promotes normal blood pressure and optimal insulin production.

Recommendations:  strengthening the protective functions of the body, maintaining a healthy state of the gallbladder, heart and blood pressure.

Pine nut oil

Nutrients:  omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids, alpha-tocopherol or vitamin E, vitamins B3 and P, phospholipids.

Mechanism of action:  it has antioxidant effect, maintains vascular elasticity, neutralizes free radicals, strengthens the immune system, it has a sedative effect on the gastric mucosa, maintains the overall physical and mental health of the body.

Recommendations:  improvement of stomach, improvement of cardiovascular system, strengthening the body's immune function.


Seaweed, biologically active natural complex.

Nutrients:  iodine, boron, potassium, calcium, cobalt, manganese, copper, phosphorus, fluorine, vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, C, D, alginic acid and its derivatives - alginates, chlorophyll, lecithin, laminarin.

Mechanism of action:   it restores iodine deficiency, helps to cleanse the body from toxins and other harmful substances, helps to dissolve cholesterol deposits, activates human enzyme systems, stimulates the digestive system, inhibits the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract.

Recommendations:restoration of metabolism, cardiovascular system, digestion, support of the thyroid gland.


Algae with a unique content of complete proteins.

Nutrients:  71% high quality herbal protein, which contains 18 amino acids in bioavailable form, 20% minerals, essential fatty acids and dietary fiber. It is a source of RNA, DNA nucleic acids, vitamins B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (nicotinamide), B6 (pyridoxine), B9 (folic acid), vitamins A, C, D, E, beta-carotene, zeaxanthin and chlorophyll. Micronutrients: potassium, calcium, chromium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, selenium, sodium and zinc.

Mechanism of action:  it cleanses joints, muscles, blood and lymph from toxic metabolic products.

Recommendations:  when adjusting the diet, detox diet, for a positive effect on the body with frequent colds, promoting rapid recovery from injuries and fractures, improvement of skin condition, eliminating its dryness, it is beneficial for people living in environmentally unfavorable conditions.

Mussel complex

High biological activity extract created under a special technology from ecologically clean meat of Black Sea mussels.

Nutrients:  protein product containing the full composition of essential and non-essential amino acids, macro- and micronutrients and other biologically important compounds.

Mechanism of action:  it promotes the activation of the body's defenses, it has anti-inflammatory action, restores cellular and humoral immunity.

Recommendations:  restoration of vitality and physical health of the body, improvement of the recovery period after surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy.


Sea cucumber is the Echinoderms marine invertebrate. According to its restorative properties, it has no analogues in nature.

Nutrients:triterpene glycosides (saponins, holoturins, cucumoriosides), which are natural antimicrobial compounds.

Mechanism of action:  restoration of organs and systems of the body.

Recommendations:  restoration of vital forces of the body after severe diseases, for the prevention of viral diseases and increase of the body's resistance to viruses.

Extract of 16 medicinal plants

Unique extract obtained under proprietary technology. It includes extracts of 16 plants: thyme, hawthorn, lovage, horsetail, nettle, plantain, motherwort, aloe, calendula, garlic, eleutherococcus, flax seeds, eucalyptus, burdock, hop cones, buckthorn bark.

Nutrients:  bioflavonoids, phytosterols and phytostanols.

Mechanism of action:  biologically active ingredients of plants have anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and antimicrobial properties, they have antioxidant and immunomodulatory effects.

Recommendations:  restoration of the body's defenses, sedative effect on the central nervous system, improvement of the secretory function of the stomach, antibacterial and analgesic effect.


White crystalline substance, soluble in water and odorless. Derived from lactose - milk sugar.

Nutrients:  disaccharide consisting of residues of galactose and fructose molecules, synthetic stereoisomer of milk sugar - lactose.

Mechanism of action:  it is a prebiotic that enhances the growth of beneficial bifidobacterium and lactobacilli and inhibits clostridia, Escherichia coli and other pathogenic bacteria. It is non-addictive, safe and beneficial for the elderly people, children, pregnant women and breastfeeding women.

Recommendations:  restoration of intestinal microflora in case of dysbacteriosis and liver failure, a beneficial supplement to children's and dietary nutrition.


The amino acid composition of the protein complex, mg%

Amino acids “Relive Mix” “Relive Pro”
Essential: 40,99 43,59
Valine 5,31 4,73
Isoleucine 4,79 4,47
Leucine 8,25 8,63
Lysine 5,84 8,61
Methionine 1,15 1,83
Threonine 5,08 5,77
Cystine 1,89 1,39
Tyrosine 3,97 3,65
Phenylalanine 4,71 4,51
Non-essential: 59,01 56,43
Alanine 5,44 5,93
Arginine 5,28 5,93
Asparagine 21,70 9,97
Histidine 1,93 3,61
Glutamine 12,57 17,83
Proline 2,06 3,15
Serine 5,95 5,15
Glycine 4,06 4,86

The fatty acid composition of lipids, % of the amount of fatty acids

Acid code «Relive Mix» «Relive Pro»
Saturated: 0,242 0,122
Lauric 12: 0 0,242 0,122
Myristic 14: 0,831 1,253
Pentadecan 15: 0 0,079 0,041
Margarine 17: 0 15,56 21,62
Stearinic 18: 5,809 15,86
Monounsaturated: 28,93 33,97
Myristolein 14: 1 0,089 0,155
Pentadecene 15: 1 0,165 0,075
Palmitoleic 16: 1 8,167 7,279
Oleic 18: 1 20,512 26,470
Polyunsaturated: 43,72 24,13
Heptadecadienoic 17: 2 0,254 0.032
Linoleic 18: 2 23,530 18,815
Arachic 18: 4 0,680 0,197
Eicosapentaenoic 20: 3 1,758 0,086
Arachidonic 20: 4 0,680 2,259
Docosatetraenoic 22:4 0,151 0,205
Docosapentaenoic 22: 5 0,155 0.128
Docosahexaenoic 22: 6 2,809 0,301
Omega-3 family
(Alpha-linolenic, eicosapentaenoic, docosahexaenoic acid) 18,26 2,50
Omega-6 family
(Linoleic, gamma-linolenic, linolenic acid conjugate) 37,24 20,92

Composition of vitamins, mg/100 g

Vitamins «Relive Mix» «Relive Pro»
Vitamin В1 (thiamine) 3,30±0.18 5,95 ± 0,18
Vitamin В2 (riboflavin) 1,30 ± 0,1 0,0,68 ± 0,04
Vitamin В5 (pantothenic acid) 6,25 ± 0,40 4,00 ± 0,20
Vitamin В6 (pyridoxine) traces traces 0,0,13 ± 0,01
Vitamin В9 (folic acid) 0,0,36 ± 0,01 0,0,19 ± 0,02
Vitamin В12 (cyanocobalamin) 0,00,07 ± 0,01 0,00,06 ± 0,005
Vitamin С (ascorbic acid) 24,60 ± 0,6 12,80 ± 0,50
Vitamin Е (tocopherol) 24,00 ± 0,005 17,50 ± 0,02
Vitamin А (retinol) 1,76 ± 0,03 0,0,17 ± 0,02
Carotenoids 45,96 ± 0,09 0,0,50 ± 0,10
Ubiquinone Q10 1,45± 0,4 7,37 ± 0,86
Ubiquinone Q9 0,0,91± 0,16 1,24 ± 0,23
Vitamin PP 14,40± 0,05 11,2±0,30

Other biocompatible macro- and micronutrients (laboratory confirmed)

Vitamins Micronutrients "Minor" components
Vitamin D (calciferol) Calcium Free amino acids
Vitamin K (naphthoquinone) Magnesium Enzymes of herbal origin
Vitamin B4 (choline) Iodine Nucleic acids
Vitamin B8 (inositol) Fluorine Pigments (chlorophyll, astaxanthin, etc.)
Vitamin H (biotin) Phosphorus Simple phenols
Vitamin B13 (orotic acid) Silicon Phenolic acids
Vitamin B15 (pangamic acid) Potassium Polyphenolic compounds (flavonoids)
Vitamin Вт (L - carnitine) Manganese Polymeric phenols (tannins)
Vitamin U (S - methylmethionine) Cobalt Organic acids
Vitamin F (α - lipoic acid) Selenium Lecithin
(PABA) H1 (paraaminobenzoic acid) Chlorine Silymarin
(GABA) (gamma-aminobutyric acid) Vanadium Succinic acid
Riboxin 9bD (ribofuranosylhypoxanthine) Copper Native phytopolysaccharides
Astaxanthin (carotenoids) Iron Tannins
β - carotene (carotenoids) Zinc Food "pectin" fibers
Lycopene (carotenoids) Chromium
Lutein (carotenoids) Molybdenum
Coenzyme A (HMG-CoA reductase)
Zeaxanthin (carotenoids)
Phospholipids and lipid components Amino acids
Phosphatidylinositol (PI) Cystine
Phosphatidylserine (PS) Taurine
Sphingomyelin (SM) Carnitine
Phosphatidylcholine (PC)

Recommended dosage:

  • "Relive Balance Cardio Mix" (shake before use) - 1 teaspoon in the morning with meals, you can take it with water.
  • "Relive Balance Cardio Pro" – take 1 capsules 2 times a day during or after meals (at lunch or early in the evening).

"Relive Balance Cardio" should not be your only source of nutrition. You should eat regular food at least once a day and drink at least 2 liters of water a day. Experts recommend taking at least 2 – 3 courses a year.

Additional recommendations for taking:

In order to achieve the most noticeable therapeutic effect when taking "Relive Balance Cardio" it is recommended to comply with the following conditions:

  • Take a break for 30 minutes between taking "Relive Balance Cardio Mix" and "Relive Balance Cardio Pro";
  • Shake "Relive Balance Cardio Mix" before each use;
  • Take "Relive Balance Cardio Pro" mostly during a day (preferably at lunch with food or early in the evening until 18.00), because in the evening the metabolic processes are slowing down;
  • Don't freeze "Relive Balance Cardio Mix" and "Relive Balance Cardio Pro".

1/2 teaspoon of "Relive Balance Cardio Mix" and 1 capsules of "Relive Balance Cardio Pro" should be taken during the first 3 days with the further increase in doses till the recommended doses:

  • by persons who are prone to allergies;
  • in case of evident renal and hepatic insufficiency;
  • by elderly people (over 60 years old).

Terms and conditions of storage

Storage of opened bottles of "Relive Balance Cardio Mix" and "Relive Balance Cardio Pro" does not require special temperature conditions.


Individual intolerance or allergy to certain components.

* Increased dosages of the complex are used in case of significant depletion of the body, severe diseases and are set only by the physician individually.

Delivery methods

  • Delivery to "Nova Poshta" branch
    Cost of delivery according to the carrier's tariffs.
  • Door-to-door delivery by courier in Kyiv
    Delivery in Kyiv - free of charge.


You can pay for the products:

  • In cash on delivery of products;
  • Visa, MasterCard bank cards on web-site Fondy, WayForPay.

Return of products

Products belong to the list of products that cannot be returned and exchanged in accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No.172 dated March 19, 1994 (as amended) and cannot be returned.

Relive Balance

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