Relive Balance складається з 2х окремих комплексів які посилюють один одного. Це натуральні харчові нутрієнти в сухому («Релайв Баланс Про») і рідкому («Релайв Баланс Мікс») стані.
Релайв Баланс Про
Relive Balance Pro – peptide-amino acid-vitamin and mineral complex containing quail egg powder, extracts of lentil sprouts, spirulina, artichoke, Jerusalem artichoke, milk thistle seeds, lactulose, vitamin С, lecithin.
Product form: капсули у контейнері по 80 шт.
Mechanisms of influence on human body:
Релайв Баланс Про є комбінованим регуляторним амінокислотно-пептидним комплексом, поєднаним із рослинними біофлавоноїдами, поліфенолами та іншими біологічно активними речовинами і хелатними вітамінно-мінеральними комплексами, дія яких зумовлена синергічними ефектами компонентів, що входять до його складу.
Завдяки комбінації природних високомолекулярних органічних компонентів, позбавлених видових властивостей у вигляді регуляторних пептидів, включаючи глутатіон, нуклеїнові кислоти, низькомолекулярні фрагменти ядерних РНК та ДНК, амінокислоти, біофлавоноїди, поліфеноли, гесперидин, кверцитин, силімарін, силібінін та інші, хелатні форми вітаміну С та мікроелементів, здійснює поліфункціональний нормалізуючий вплив на органи та системи організму людини:
Релайв Баланс Про є комбінованим регуляторним амінокислотно-пептидним комплексом, поєднаним із рослинними біофлавоноїдами, поліфенолами та іншими біологічно активними речовинами і хелатними вітамінно-мінеральними комплексами, дія яких зумовлена синергічними ефектами компонентів, що входять до його складу.
Due to the combination of natural high molecular weight organic components, devoid of species properties in the form of regulatory peptides, including glutathione, nucleic acids, low molecular weight fragments of nuclear RNA and DNA, amino acids, bioflavonoids, polyphenols, hesperidin, quercetin, silymarin, silibinin and etc., chelated forms of vitamin С and micronutrients, it has a multifunctional normalizing effect on organs and systems of the human body:
- Promotes the repair of damaged cells and cellular organelles, including DNA and RNA
- Inhibits dystrophic changes and accelerated aging of organs and tissues
- Increases antioxidant protection against products of free radical oxidation due to the presence of glutathione, which is the most powerful antioxidant in cells, and its combination with chelated forms of vitamin C and bioflavonoids reduces oxidative stress
- Improves energy metabolism
- Promotes normalization of protein, carbohydrate and lipid metabolism and liver protection due to the active components of milk thistle extract - silymarin, silibinin
- Positively affects the functioning of the central and peripheral nervous system
- Promotes more efficient functioning of the immune system and endocrine organs
- Increases working ability.
Amino acids and peptide complexes, chelated forms of vitamins and micronutrients in the composition of Relive Balance Pro, in small doses have high regulatory effects, due to the natural synergistic effect and high affinity between the regulatory systems of humans, flora and fauna, which are created by long-term evolution.
Indications for use:
- Replenishment of the human diet with a complex of essential amino acids and peptides with herbal components in their natural form without heat treatment with preserved regulatory effects on the human body;
- Improvement of adaptive systems of the body in case of the syndrome of psycho-emotional burnout and chronic fatigue;
- Prevention of premature aging and deterioration of organs and tissues;
- Improvement of working ability, psycho-emotional state in case of various chronic diseases of the liver, cardiovascular, endocrine, nervous systems;
- Increasing antioxidant, immune protection, prevention of carcinogenesis in people of any age.
- Improvement of the nutritional supply of patients with anorexia, obesity when prescribing low-calorie diets for weight loss, tuberculosis, sepsis and other long-term debilitating diseases, after surgery.
Relive Balance Mix
Релайв Баланс Мікс – ліпідно-вітаміно-мінеральний комплекс, який містить екстракти багатьох лікарських рослин, таких як чебрець, глід, любисток, хвощ польовий, кропива, подорожник, пустирник, собача кропива, алое, календула, часник, елеутерокок, насіння льону, евкаліпт, лопух, шишки хмелю, кора крушини), омега комплекс жирів морських риб, порошок з перепелиних яєць, спіруліни, олії: лляна, обліпихова, розторопші, зародків пшениці, волоського горіха, винограду, гарбузова, кедрова, паростки сочевиці, мідійний комплекс, вітамін С, сироп стевії, кумис, екстракт виноградних кісточок, кукумарії, ламінарії, сироп вишні, нікотинову кислоту, вітаміни В1, В2, В6, В12, D3, К3, фолієву кислоту, янтарну кислоту, дистильовану воду.
Product form: Масляниста суспензія темно-зеленого забарвлення.
Mechanisms of influence on human body:
Natural combination of herbal extracts with peptide-amino acid complexes of animal origin, with a high content of essential polyunsaturated fatty acids, including omega polyunsaturated fatty acids, B vitamins, succinic acid, in addition to restorative effects on the structural and functional state of body tissues, it has a positive effect on all metabolism and energy processes, endocrine organs and human reproductive function.
Antioxidant properties of bioflavonoids, polyphenols, carotenoids and other components of Relive Balance Mix are associated with blocking the catalytic action of heavy metals by creating and removing stable complexes, maintaining the structure, elasticity of blood vessels, preventing their sclerotic lesion, evident cytoprotective action, including hepatoprotective, anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic action. Relive Balance Mix has anti-edematous, mild hypoazotemic, choleretic effect as well.
Herbal flavonoids have a wide range of effects: antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antitoxic, cardiovascular, anti-sclerotic, antihypertensive, antimicrobial, antispasmodic, hypoglycemic, psychotropic, antiallergic, estrogenic, radioprotective, choleretic, diuretic, hypoazotemic, gastroprotective, hepatoprotective and reparative actions
Herbal adaptogens increase the body's overall nonspecific resistance to the harmful effects of factors of physical, chemical and biological nature. Due to this, the body better adapts to changes in environmental conditions. They increase mental and physical ability, participate in the Krebs cycle; restore gluconeogenesis. They reduce biochemical disorders in cases of stress reactions, normalize the functions of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal and immune systems. They activate the synthesis of RNA and proteins resulting in enhanced regenerative processes at the cellular level.
Natural compounds, chelated forms of vitamins and micronutrients, a combination of large number of flavonoids and essential phospholipids in the composition of Relive Balance Mix significantly exceed the effects of synthesized vitamins due to the natural synergistic effect and high affinity between the regulatory systems of humans, flora and fauna, which are created by long-term evolution.
Indications for use:
- Replenishment of the human diet with a complex of essential herbal components in combination with chelated forms of vitamins and minerals and essential fatty acids in their natural form
- Prevention of premature aging due to the high antioxidant potential of components of the complex
- Improvement of the adaptive systems of the body in patients with psycho-emotional exhaustion, asthenic and depressive states
- Athletes during heavy workouts
- Increasing antioxidant, immune protection, detoxification systems under the influence of negative environmental, toxic and biological factors.
- Prevention and reduction of progression of chronic human diseases.
Relive Balance is a safe and non-toxic complex, so it can be taken for a long period of time as a restorative and prophylactic product, as well as a flexible ground for basic therapy in case of various diseases.
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